Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Greatest Flaw in Email Marketing System

One of my friend told me tat that he has been receiving emails from a marketer for over an year. First few mails that he received were good content, personalised like that they are really helping him. After providing some information for a few day, the marketer started shooting him product messages.

My friend informed me that he was still under dark to start an online business. He has yet not understood the mystery of starting an online business, how things work online. He still receives autoresponder emails continuously but nothing clicks in his mind My friends says to me that all these emails are useless for me. While intermediate marketers are more or less wasting their bandwidth and time, may be even little time they spent in creating the auto messages for autoresponder, but most importantly they lose good leads.

As the time passed, there was no option left with my friend but to trash the messages and move on to the next one. Marketers can argue that the subscriber has not seriously heeded the messages and advanced methods and/or did not spend money. But how unless a subscriber or the prospect has gained confidence enough in a scheme that he can spend money. This is happening on the internet every day.

Those who really want to part with their secrets, really ask for big money. And those who have no secrets, keep sending autoresplnder messages, which becomes a useless exercise.

The Lesson Learnt:

Provide the prospect with real information that will ignite his thought process and force him to take action.

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