Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year Resolution with Reference to Internet Marketers

New Year has set in. I wish all my internet fraternity, a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Now is the perfect time to introspect what we have gained and lost during the year that passed; as also to make new Plans and new Goals for the new year.

Take Lessons From the Past Year

We can certainly take lessons from the setbaks and failures, encountered if any and take acton now to encounter those setbacks. We can right now start with a renewed zeal and energy repeating the success areas and abandoning the failed ones.

Extend Helping Hand

Definitely, everyone can resolve and contribute in some way to make this world a better place by helping in whatever little or big way one can, depending upon one's resources. Let us resolve to extend helping hand to anyone who genuinely needs, without any extraneous consideration.

Internet is truly a fascinating way where we have a global reach. We may not know, even a small help by way of a real, useful, free 'information product' can be of instant help to someone, who needs it to overcome some sort of difficulty. With Resolution of helping each and everyone, wherever I can, I once again wish you all the best in your internet money making endeavors.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Promote Residual Affiliate Programs for Regular Earning

If you a webmaster in need of supplementary income or a newbie planning to set up an online business, residual programs are the best thing to earn regular income. Even if you don't have any product, affiliate marketing may be the best answer to your problems. With affiliate marketing, you won't need to worry about the products creation.

All you need to have is a website with sufficient content related to good products of a few online companies offering affiliate programs. By becoming a member of the program, or by becoming an affiliate, you can start promoting affiliate products and earning a certain amount of money right away!

Affiliate marketing is some sort of business relationship established between a merchant and his affiliates. In affiliate marketing, an affiliate agrees to direct some traffic to a merchant's website. If that traffic is converted into some kind of action, like a visitor purchasing a product on the merchant's website or a visitor becoming a lead for the company, the affiliate who directed the traffic will be compensated. Compensation may take the form of either a percentage sales commission for the sales generated or a fixed fee predetermined upon the application of the affiliate on the merchant's affiliate program.

Promising a lot of benefits both for the merchants and the affiliates, affiliate marketing has become one of the most popular online marketing methods today. In fact, almost every merchant or retailer site today offers an affiliate program that any one can join into. Most retailers would entice people to become affiliates or members of their program by promising great benefits like large commissions, lifetime commissions, click through incomes and a lot of other benefits. But would all these affiliate programs bring off the same benefits?

Most affiliate programs would pay you, as an affiliate, a one-time commission for every sale or lead you brought to the merchant's website. Commissions for this kind of affiliate programs are usually large, ranging from 15% to a high of about 60%. Other affiliate programs would pay you a fixed fee for every click through or traffic you send to the merchant's site. Programs like this often pay a smaller fee for every click through, usually not getting any larger than half a dollar. The good thing about this kind of program, however, is that the visitor won't have to purchase anything in order for the affiliate to get compensated.

Another type of affiliate program is the residual income affiliate program. Residual affiliate programs usually pay only a small percentage of sales commission for every sale directed by the affiliate to the merchant's site. This commission often comes only in the range of 10% to 20% sales commission. Because of this, many people ignore residual affiliate program and would rather opt for the high paying one-time commission affiliate program. Are these people making a mistake, or are they making the right decision?

We can't tell, for sure, if people are making a mistake by choosing a high paying one-time commission affiliate program. But we can definitely say that they are making a large mistake if they ignore residual affiliate programs. Residual affiliate programs would indeed pay at a lower rate, but merchants offering such kind of programs would generally pay you regular and ongoing commissions for a single affiliate initiated sale! That means, for the same effort you made in promoting a particular affiliate program, you get paid only once in a one-time commission program, and a regular and ongoing commission for a residual program!

So, are the benefits of promoting residual affiliate programs clearer to you now? Or are they still vague? If they are still vague, then let's make them a bit clearer with this example.

Suppose there are two online merchants both offering web hosting services on their sites. The first merchant offers a one-time commission type of affiliate program that pays $80 for every single affiliate initiated sale. The second merchant also offers an affiliate program, but this time a residual affiliate program that pays only $10 for every single affiliate initiated sale. As an affiliate, we may get attracted at once at what the first merchant is offering, as $80 is definitely a lot larger than $10. But by thinking things over before actually getting into them, one may be able to see that the second merchant is offering us more opportunity to earn a larger amount of money.

Supposed you have directed traffic to the merchant and it converted into a sale, you'll get paid once by the first merchant for the sale you have initiated. But with the second merchant, you'll get paid monthly for as long as the customer you have referred to the merchant continues to avail of the web hosting service. That means that for the same effort of getting one customer to avail of the merchant's service, you get paid monthly in residual affiliate programs while you only get paid once in a one-time commission type of affiliate programs.

Residual affiliate programs worth promoting because you virtually get more money from these types of affiliate programs in the long run. And would all residual affiliate programs work best for you? The answer may be yes or may be not. You have to be careful in selecting the products or services that are popular and famous brand names. But with the benefits that residual affiliate marketing can provide, it would really be unwise to ignore such programs.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Affiliate Marketing Reality Truth for Beginners

Affiliate marketing has proved to be one of the lucrative paying industry. One can make lots of money in the smallest possible time. It is but natural that more and people desire to become successful affiliate marketers and earn money.

That said, with the wrong information spread by wrong folks over there, beginners fall prey thinking that they can start earning in a few days. When they do not see desired results, they quit quickly. This generally happens because beginners just pick up few products and start promoting off the bat wherever they can like in blogs etc. skipping most important steps that really build the business. This happens to be cause of failure. Here are some of the reality checks that every new entrant in the field of affiliate marketing needs to understand. Knowing these realities will not only open up their eyes to deal with stark realities but also empower them better understand core principles of affiliate marketing and take informed decisions.


When we think of starting any new business, planning and goal setting is one of the first important task that comes in mind. Writing down plan of how to accomplish a major task braking it into smaller tasks and timely completion is one of the important aspect as far as affiliate marketing, or any other task for that matter, is concerned. But a plan in this direction will need to be prepared before you can discuss and outsource the same to a third party. In short, you have to be specific and focused of what you expect from the freelancer.

Decision Taking

Affiliate marketing generally involves consistent and major decisions in the beginning. For example decision regarding setting up a website or a blog or a forum in my particular case. Some people suggest that website is not required and others suggest that it is a must have for pesonal branding. What research and analysis software would be required in my particular case and investing on those business tools and whether to outsource routine tasks like content writing and animation etc.

Secondly, if you decide to outsource, you first need to put a thinking hat, decide and make a plan of what you want to offer to your targeted visitor in return of which they will part you with your money and accordingly assign work to freelancers. One has to decide beforehand:

1. Do I have resources to invest big time and money?
2. Am I ready learn what it takes to become a successful affiliate marketer?
3. Am I ready to outsource?
4. Am I ready to undertake all the required research and analysis?


Investment is one of the major hurdles. For example to create a website, you need domain name and hosting, tools for research and analysis as mentioned earlier also if you are really going to compete and make it happen. Here most of the beginners think too long to decide whether or not they are going to invest in business or not. A professional business would certainly require at least minimum investment of money. This investment would be two pronged- investment in acquiring necessary knowledge and skill on the one hand and in software tools etc. on the other.

Be Prepared to Invest in Lot of Time as process of setting up affiliate marketing business, demands learning as well as practically doing the different tasks and would need to budget time accordingly.


You would see the progress gradually but big time results would take some time until you have integrated the whole process seamlessly. Consistent tracking and testing, promotions, tweaking and refinement would need to be done on a continuous basis. This would require patience and perseverance on your part.

Final Thought
In the end, we can say that one needs to think thoroughly and calmly whether affiliate marketing is for him or not. Make a start with strong determination and you will be among the front row of winners.